India's 1st Online Dispute Settlement Platform
YesSettle has come with an online platform for users having any dispute, to settle their dispute and thus it is the India’s First Online Disputes Settlement Platform. This platform enables the user to initiate the process to resolve any dispute which the user might have with any other party anywhere in the world and the Platform further helps the users with its support in resolving the disputes through online mediator, where the mediator tries to resolve the dispute by breaking dead locks and finding an amicable midway solution to which both the parties agree. The users can take the expert legal help by putting legal query to the panel of legal experts of the platform. And hence it is an online service which can provide relief to people aggrieved with various kinds of disputes for long.
YesSettle is a venture of YesSettle Legal Services LLP backed by a team of Legal Experts from different fields in society i.e. Lawyers, Retired Judges, Chartered Accountants, Social Workers, Retired Sr. Government Officials and Retired Sr. Bank Officials et al.
So, we have come up with an innovative method to resolve such disputes, online. Rather than taking the dispute to a court, many disputes can be tried to be resolved on YesSettle Platform. Unlike court trial or arbitration, there is no judge or any other fact finder who issues a ruling to any party.

Back in August 2014, as we decided to put our efforts in helping to reduce the recurring problem of huge pendency of litigation in courts and noticed that most of the litigation can be avoided by the parties at pre-litigation Stage if they have proper and comfortable atmosphere like home to resolve their conflicts and can find a midway solution.
Yessettle was thus born on 19th September 2015 as a means to help the disputing parties to end their disputes or conflicts with other party, more satisfied outcome than through time consuming litigation.
Our mission is to provide a quicker, more cost effective and more satisfactory outcome than litigation as it takes months and sometimes years to resolve a dispute in a Court or through negotiation or mediation. The process through this platform can be paced according to the needs and schedule of the parties. Hence, disputing parties end up more satisfied with the outcome than through time consuming litigation.
AND to top it all, parties who were once fighting after coming to this Platform and resolving their dispute are more likely to preserve an amicable relationship for the times to come.